Follow Jesus

Following Jesus is the most important decision you’ll ever make. It’s an opportunity to experience forgiveness, peace, purpose, and joy. When you decide to follow Jesus, you are given a fresh start and a new life.

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Join A Group

God created us to be in relationships with others. We encourage attenders to connect to their campus community by joining a small group, serving or even just taking the initiative to say hello to someone new in church.

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Spend Time With God

God invites us to spend time with Him on a regular basis. We can do this by praying, listening to music, making time for reflection, and reading the Bible.

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Serve Others

Share God’s joy and love by serving others—in your home, church, neighborhood, and around the world. Discover your God-given gifts to figure out how God has uniquely wired you to serve others.

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Live Generously

God has called us to live generously. We can do this by sharing our time, talents, and finances.

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Find Support

It can be difficult to navigate where to go and who to turn to when times are tough and you need help. But the good news is, there are people ready and waiting to help you through difficult seasons of life.

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