Christmas services are here! Time to make your plans. With 14 Minnesota locations and an online community, there's sure to be a good fit for you and your crew.

Take Me To Christmas


Congrats on your upcoming wedding; we can't wait to help you prepare for married life.

At Eagle Brook Church, we believe couples that place Jesus at the center of their relationship will experience their best marriage possible. We're here to help you prepare for marriage and plan a ceremony that reflects your faith and walk with Christ.

Eagle Brook pastors are available to officiate off-site weddings near our locations—we do not host weddings on-site. If you'd like to be married by an Eagle Brook pastor, follow these two steps:

Step 1: Contact Us

Take a moment to fill out the Wedding Officiant Request & Personal Profiles Form so we can learn more about you and your wedding plans. Please plan to complete this form 6-9 months before your wedding date.

Before starting the form, here are a few items to prepare to answer with your future spouse:

  • Your Story
  • Rehearsal and Ceremony Information
  • Bride and Groom's Relationship With Jesus

Complete the Form

Step 2: Meet With a Pastor

Once you have filled out the form, please give us a minimum of 2 weeks response time.

After connecting with your officiating pastor, you'll meet with them for three sessions of approximately 2 hours each. During these sessions, you will go through the SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts) Relationship Assessment. The cost is $35 per couple, and you will receive an invitation to take the assessment from your officiating pastor.


Contact Us or call 651.429.9227