Celebrate Easter with Eagle Brook on April 17-20. 

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Kids and Student Care

Kids and Student Care supports ages birth-grade 12 with disabilities and additional needs so they can attend church and know Jesus!

Each Eagle Brook Church location offers two primary types of assistance (Room Assistants and Side-By-Side Volunteers) within both Kids Ministries (birth-grade 5) on the weekends and Student Ministries (grades 6-12) on Wednesdays.

Room Assistant

A room assistant is scheduled for each service during large group time (preschool-grade 12). Large group time includes music, lights, and media elements. Room Assistant volunteers support those who need basic help with attention, sensory needs, redirection, or social interaction during that time.

Side-By-Side Volunteer

If your family would benefit from a one-on-one volunteer based on higher physical, developmental, or behavioral needs, Side-By-Side (SBS) volunteers are uniquely matched up with interested families. A SBS volunteer works with the family directly. They will meet the kid or student before the service and be present with him/her from start to finish, creatively incorporating best practices for inclusion.

If you have a kid or student who would benefit from Kids or Student Care support, fill out the Kids or Student Care questionnaire so we may be aware of their unique information.

You can also stop by the Kids or Student Ministries check-in area to request support.