April 18 | Friday, 5 & 7 pm
April 19 | Saturday, 2, 4 & 6 pm
April 20 | Sunday, 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am
APRIL 17-20
For over 2,000 years, people have encountered Jesus in ways they can’t fully explain but also can’t ignore. Because Easter isn’t just about what happened then. It’s about what’s still happening now.
If Jesus really rose from the dead, then it changes everything—including you.
Online or in-person, we’re not too far from wherever you are!
Check out our Easter service times below.
No matter where you live, there's a way to experience Easter with Eagle Brook Church—even online. Every service is identical, so choose the one that works best for you.
April 18 | Friday, 7 pm
April 20 | Sunday, 9 & 11 am
Easter services are pretty much the same as weekend services...just with some Easter-y flair! Expect spring drinks at the Café, a special something to kick off our service, a celebratory time of worship, and an Easter message from Senior Pastor Jason Strand—all totaling 60 minutes. And every Easter service is the same, no matter where you go or when! You should 100% invite your friends and family.
(Attending online? You'll get the same 60-minute experience!)
We've created a special Easter service just for kids birth-5th grade, and everyone is invited to check their kids in—even if it's their first (or only) time. Pro tip: make things quick and easy by pre-registering!
Wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable! Maybe you're in a jeans-and-sweater kind of mood, or maybe you just scored a great deal on the perfect Easter fit. Whether you want to go casual or dress it up a bit, your style will fit right in.
Totally up to you! Here are some things to consider:
Doomsday. The apocalypse. The end of the world.
Sounds like a movie—but that’s how most people see the book of Revelation. But, believe it or not, it’s not all about fire and destruction. There’s a bigger story being told—one of hope, redemption, and a future that’s already been written.
Curious? See you at church after Easter.
Message series runs April 26-June 1
P.S. We created a Revelation study book just for you! Find it on the app or in-person at any Eagle Brook location starting April 26/27.
With 14 locations in Minnesota, we're not too far from wherever you are!