Big questions deserve
honest conversations.

Faith can feel complicated and like it leads to more questions than answers. Right? You're not the only one who thinks so.

Your questions are important. And you don't have to navigate them by yourself.

At Eagle Brook, we hope to be a place where doubt and curiosity can meet in the middle and come out on the other side with something to believe in.

So bring your curiosity to this message series! Keep scrolling to learn more about it.

What will we be talking about?

Glad you asked...


March 22/23 
Science: Does it disprove God? 

March 29/30
The Bible: Fact or Fiction?

April 5/6
Hell: Does God really send people there?

April 12/13
Suffering: Can't God stop it? 

Easter | April 17-20
The Resurrection: Does it make sense? 

You don't have to wait for the weekend!

Whatever questions you have around faith, Christianity, or God, start here. Check out these short videos discussing some common big questions. Or, if you're in for some podcast-style discussion, check out our round table conversations.

So, you're thinking about checking out Eagle Brook. What's next?

What can I expect at church?

Grab a parking spot with the guidance of our awesome parking volunteers and come on in! Check in your kids, grab a coffee from the Café, then take in a 60-minute service that includes worship and message. If you're attending online, you'll get the same experience—but you'll have to make your own coffee.

Are there services for kids?

Yes! If you have kids ages birth–5th grade, we have a service just for them. They’ll have fun learning about a God who loves them—with music, games, dynamic teaching, and a team of volunteers who can’t wait to make this time the highlight of their week!  And, if you're watching online, check out Eagle Brook Kids on YouTube!

Learn More

What should I wear?

Wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable! Maybe you're in a jeans-and-sweatshirt kind of mood, or maybe you just scored a great deal on the perfect outfit. Whether you want to go casual or dress it up a bit, your style will fit right in. (Watching online? There's nothing like church in your PJs!)

We'd love to see you at church.


With 14 locations in Minnesota, we're not too far from wherever you are!

Times & Locations


Take church with you! Catch up on-demand or tune in live.

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