Every year, as the autumn season rolls through Minnesota, I get giddy with excitement. I thoroughly enjoy watching the leaves change from green to shades of vibrant yellows, reds, and eventually rusty browns. It’s funny how much I enjoy all the brown colors—and I think it's because they, too, made a transformation. They became different than they once were. Then those beautiful leaves fall off and we all go into what seems like a dormant environment—when really, all those trees that once had leaves are still alive. They're just enduring the winter season until they can grow leaves again.
In Genesis 1:27, we're told, “God created mankind in His own image.” So, I know the reason I am so impressed and captivated by something transformed is because God is too. How many movies are loved by so many because the main character turned from bad to good? It’s in our DNA to love transformation. I watch my five-year-old son play with his toys and making a Transformer change from a truck into a robot is so exciting for him! Just imagine how God feels when the transformation is happening within a human heart.
My journey of transformation began when I made the decision to give control of my life over to Jesus. For years I had tried to prove everything with logic and solid facts, not knowing the transformation that was about to take place within me would be the biggest piece of evidence I was always searching for. I stopped resisting and just let God's love wash over me. His forgiveness. His grace. His healing. I found the proof of His existence in my own transformation.
Years later, I am still evolving and growing. He continues to work on me, every day. And seasons of life can be challenging, but they get worse when I forget to involve God in my life. Somehow, I recently entered my own winter season. I didn’t see it coming. It snuck up on me. Amidst parenting two young boys and overload at work, I was left feeling tired and empty. I had been so busy, I forgot to seek out God. I hadn't opened my Bible in weeks. I found myself crying over little stuff every day. It was time to reach out to Him, to pray and to open my Bible, and just start reading. It is amazing how quickly God responds and carries the load for us.
I came across a verse in Romans and this verse continues to give me strength each day: Romans 5:3-4 (MSG).
We continue to shout our praise even when we’re hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next.
Transformation happens best when life feels cold and we are enduring the winter, when we have trouble. We come out on the other side of the season with beautiful personal growth and a deeper relationship with Him. For me and my winter, I am drawing close to God as I await the promise of my spring to come. I will continue to sing His praises and I cannot wait to see how He will transform me next.