The Simple Truth

by TJ Therrien on March 23, 2016

I heard this from the mouth of a 3-year-old a couple of days ago:

"If you believe in Jesus, He will be there for you."

This weekend is Easter. Together, we will celebrate new life. We'll hear stories of changed people. And we'll remember what Jesus went through to bring us the freedom we never deserved. His grace, so free, leaving us silently astonished. His victory over death, bringing us such unspeakable joy.

For a simple guy like me, it's difficult to summarize what all of this means as Easter approaches, but a 3-year-old brought me straight to the point:

"If you believe in Jesus, He will be there for you."

He came for us.
He died in our place.
He will be here for us, always.

My prayer this Easter is that hundreds of thousands of people on this globe will decide to fully believe in Jesus—even if they don't have all the answers—and to follow Him day by day. And when times are good, and times are bad, I pray that everyone who calls on His name will remember this amazingly simple truth: He will be there for you.

"Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20

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