Do you ever feel inadequate?
Do you ever wrestle with feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, or negative thoughts? Maybe you even know that these thoughts aren’t totally rational or you’ve made several attempts to keep these thoughts at bay, but for some reason, they find a way to creep back in.
I’m here to officially welcome you to the party. You are not alone in those thoughts. To be transparent with you, I battle the feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt more than I’d ever want to admit.
Most days I can disguise it pretty well, almost like I’m winning. But other days I feel overcome by anxious thoughts and sleepless nights, almost like...I’m losing.
When I meet with seven rockstar campus pastors, it’s intimidating. When I sit in on decisions about the future of our church, I feel the weight of these massive decisions, and when I look at my two boys who are moving into the final stretch of high school, I wonder if I’ve done enough.
How do you work through these kinds of feelings?
For me, I often turn to one or more anchor verses. Two weeks ago, we started a new message series called Anchor Deep. I’ve had times where I am really good about memorizing scripture; unfortunately, I have recently not been in such a season. However, even when I’ve allowed this discipline to grow lax, there are numerous verses that I’ve said to myself so many times that they are second nature for me.
One of those verses is Galatians 2:20. Here’s how it goes:
I have been crucified with Christ. It’s no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God, the one who loves me and gave Himself up for me.
When I battle those feelings of inadequacy, which is often, this is my go-to verse. This is an anchor in the storm for me. What it says to me is that it’s not up to me anymore. I don’t have to do it alone. It’s not my strength. It’s not my wisdom or my power that will get me through this meeting, this day, or this season—but “Christ who lives in me.” What a great reminder! It’s through the strength, wisdom, and power of Christ that I can go forward. Christ is in me and is guiding me. Therefore, the life I live is one faith and trust in the One who loves me so much He gave Himself up for me.
Perhaps you can relate to these feelings. May Galatians 2:20 become a new anchor for you to carry you through whatever battle you may be facing today.