When God Asks Us to Change

by Amanda Nephew on January 29, 2014

Recently I was dog sitting for my in-laws' Welsh Corgi. He's a sweet dog, who happens to have a regimented 5-step routine that MUST be followed in the morning. As he finished up with a milk bone and I began making my own breakfast, the dog became out of sorts and began howlingunrelentingly. After a moment of confusion, I remembered, "Oh, that's right. I forgot to give him a half of a piece of bread with a light smear of peanut butter on it." Funny, right? But the truth is, this dog is stuck in a routine!

I am not one to spiritualize everything, but this struck me a bit. When my routine gets changed and I don't get to do what I "need" to do, do I howl too? I think I can be flexible when people change my routine once in a while, but am I willing to be that flexible if God asks me to change?

What if God wanted us to avoid Facebook before bed and instead read the Bible? What if God wanted us to turn off the morning news shows while making our kids' lunches and pray for their day instead? What if God asked us to do something differently? What might it be for you? Would you howl or would you be willing to move according to the Spirit? Having a daily routine of checking Facebook or watching news shows aren't necessarily bad, but are we missing out on something better because we have turned these into the main day-to-day priorities instead of being aware of the other options that God might have for us?

I would like my day to not default into what I always do or what is easiest, but instead I want my day's default to be what the Lord is calling me to do.

Ephesians 5:16-17 reads, "Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don't act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do." Let's not value our own routine more than we value obedience to God. And, let's do it without howling.

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